Coach K should be Coach D, because he’s a Dick. I know I know a lot of you will say he’s the best, he’s a real gentleman and a champion, etc etc. (insert James McAvoy in Split saying Ectera ectera….ah what the hell i’ll place it below) anyways, I’m sure he is all of these things and a dick.

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I lay out my argument below in a series of tweets, Thank you and you’re welcome!

Evidence #1

Evidence #2

Evidence #3


I’m sure there are more but who has the time, ammirite?!


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As a former TV development professional, Hano spent years bringing new and exciting content to audiences across multiple platforms. After developing a passion for sports, made the transition to writing sports content. Using his storytelling skills honed in TV development, Hano now creates engaging and informative sports content that resonates with readers. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of what makes sports so compelling, Hano is able to craft articles and analysis that inform and entertain sports fans of all levels.