Advertisement Just remember whenever you’re doubting yourself, out there in the world is this 9-year old that is far better than you are. I know it’s not 2004 anymore but this dance is immortal and so is Napoleon Dynamite. So for...
Or maybe it doesn’t, who cares. I expect to see these guys on the Forbes 500 list very soon. To be clear it’s for porn, not for whatever they do.
The Liberty hockey team out of Virginia put on a show last night with this amazing "Vader Choke" from the bench.
In today’s world of epic-ness BYU somehow still finds a way to maintain mediocrity/innocence. I’m all for live and let live. For BYU it’s suck and let suck for their sports programs. But when it comes to the people...
Really not a huge fan of Disneys new direction for Frozen 3.

Bird vs kid, Bird wins

Seldom do things make me happy, but nothing makes me happier than a kid getting tortured by a bird. Am I evil? No I’m just human and so are you! So while you watch and laugh at this just...
Josh Lavender of the Savannah Bananas in the CPL (Coastal Plain League) just came to the plate with a full-on golf caddie, range finder, golf clubs, and all. This is perhaps the most amazing Baseball walkup we have ever...
It's almost like Utah is a secret because everybody's scared of the Mormons so they don't go there. But then you get there and your like... it's beautiful and these Mormons are so nice. Joe Rogan Utah folks finally have something...
Extreme Combat Juggling is everything you have ever dreamed it should be and more. Well ok, maybe not everything. Maybe not even a fraction of what you dreamed it would be. Honestly, I think these guys should swap out...


In the world of participation trophies these guys don’t even have that much. Which begs the question, should the team be sold to make way for a profitable parking structure? there is nothing sadder then watching any of these teams...

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